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Kanjon Drave 2015

Društvo za vodne aktivnosti Drava vsako leto organizira zdaj že tra- dicionalni potop v potopljeni kanjon Drave. Ker je na tem mestu Drava na območju Slovenije najgloblja, so potapljači lokacijo imenovali kar vrh Drave ali Mt. Ožbalt po bližnji vasici in hidroelektrarni.

Temperatura vode ob potopu je bila 0 stopinj Celzija, dno globokih korit pa je bilo po pričakovanju prekrito z mrenami. Med njimi so bili tudi posamezni somi. Stene kanjona so poraščene s tujerodno školjko trikotničarko, videli pa smo tudi signalne rake Pacifastacus...

Rakov Škocjan

Po žledolomu smo se 23. februarja 2014 potopili v poplavljen gozd pri Velikem naravnem mostu v Rakovem Škocjanu. Vodostaj je bil višji za poldrugi meter od rekordnega iz leta 2000.

The huchen or Danube salmon

Kolpa in its upper stream offers an ideal environment for Danube salmon.


The Idrijca Canyon

Just before the junction of the Idrijca and the Soča rivers, the Idrijca has created a beautiful canyon, over 30 meters deep. In winter when the temperature drops close to the freezing point large schools of barbus plebeius gather in the twilight of caves to pass the winter time there. During the making of the film the water temperature was 1oC and the water level was covered with ice.

Mrtvica Save

Z možnostjo premagovanja velikih razdalj, tudi med kontinenti, po- staja tujerodnost in invazivnost organizmov planetarni problem, ki se mu tudi Slovenija ni mogla izogniti.

Šolski primer vnosa tujerodnih in invazivnih vrst se je pred leti po- javil v termalni mrtvici Topla pri Čatežu. Ker ima voda temperaturo do 40 stopinj Celzija, se je v njej razvil "pester tropski svet". Površino prekriva invazivna tropska vodna solata (Pistia stratiotes), v mulj so si ...

Ljubljana – city from the fish perspective

With a look turned upwards through the water surface we travel with the river, caught within the concrete bed between the both lock gates, from the lock gate on the Gruber canal, by the new pedestrian walk, by Špica and Trnovski pristan, under the bridges to the Plečnik’s lock gate. We see and compare the fleeing river coast in colours of various seasons, the heartbeat of the city, boats and ships, and in particular, the significant and specific architecture of the water city from the fish perspective that has not yet been discovered (extract from a 3,5 minutes film).

Potopljeni kanjon Drave

Preden so leta 1960 dali v pogon hidroelektrarno Ožbalt, je hrumela reka Drava po ozkih globokih koritih. Ta so bila na nekaterih mestih po obliki podobna koritom Soče. Danes, ko je kanjon potopljen, dosega na najglobljem delu do 25 metrov globine. Tok reke se je upočasnil, voda pa je postala motna. Vendar se v zimskih mesecih, ko se temperatura vode spusti najniže, Dravi povrne prvotna zelena barva, vidljivost pod vodo pa seže tudi nekaj metrov daleč (na posnetku 1,5 metra)...

The streber (Zingel streber)

The streber is a span long fish inhabiting some of the water flows of the Danube river basin. Due to its brownish colour and stripped pattern it is difficult to be noticed on the river bottom. As it is small and mostly active at night it is not well known among the local inhabitants and fishermen. Its existence in the Kolpa river had not been recognized until discovered by the divers in the eighties. It is listed on the red list among the endangered species. For the first time I filmed the streber in the area of the present day Kolpa…



In the spring the puddle becomes alive. The puddle snail, insects, ephemera larvae...

Upper River Stream

Reke zgornji tok

Slovenian rivers are presented in three three-minute films according to their flow and fish strips. The upper stream, also called salmonid or trout strip shows the fast flowing rivers and streams from their spring downstream and some characteristic salmonid species living there.


Extract from the three minute film on Slovenian lakes. It presents the living world of the lakes with typical fish, crab and water flowers representatives.

The Sava Dolinka river spring

Zelenci is a very special phenomenon. The Sava Dolinka river springs from the sandy soil. The water flows from the cretaceous cracks through tiny sand, pushes it upwards and creates countless little “volcanos”.

Boating on the Kolpa River

pogled na čolnarjenje iz ribje perspektiveBoating from the fish perspective...

Film in the making

This is going to be a video record of the lake that we all well know. It is going to tell a story about the contrast between the external tourist glamour, the glamour of hotel patios and dance floors, and the miserable situation just beneath them – among the deteriorated support pillars and broken concrete boards that hardly keep the coast above the water surface.

The film will not be beautiful, but it will reflect the reality, shrouded in the dark and well hidden from our sight …